Ninety + thirty years of nonlinear dynamics:
Less is more and more is different
ENOC-05 Plenary Lecture
Philip Holmes, Princeton University
This lecture was the invited opening plenary lecture at ENOC-05, Fifth
EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, held at the Technical
University of Eidhoven, the Netherlands, Aug 7-12, 2005. Some material
was also taken from a plenary lecture at the SIAM 50th anniversary
meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 2002.
A text version, but entirely without pictures, will be appearing
in the ENOC special issue of International Journal of Bifurcation and
Chaos this Fall, 2005.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
- Most of the photos of mathematicians come
- Poincare and the King Oscar Jury page came from Acta Mathematica.
- For Smale, Kolmogorov, Arnold, the credits are the same as given in the
book Celestial Encounters, Princeton University Press, 1996, by
Florin Diacu and Philip Holmes.